Button Group Widget
The IQNOX Button Group widget allows for displaying multiple options that a user can choose from.
Properties | Type | Binding | Default | Description |
CustomClass | STRING | <> | Enables you to define an html class to the top div of the widget. Multiple classes can be entered, separated by space | |
Template | LIST | < | Template 1 | The widget template to use for this widget |
NumberOfButtons | INTEGER | 3 | How many buttons to display. | |
MultiSelect | BOOLEAN | FALSE | Allows the user to select multiple buttons at a time. Buttons can be deselected by clicking again on them. | |
DefaultButtonSelected | STRING | 0 | Auto select the button specified on runtime. 0 selects none of them. Separate the options by a comma if you want multiple buttons selected.(Ex: 1,2,3) | |
SelectedButtonName | STRING | <> | Name of selected button | |
SelectedButtonValue | STRING | <> | Value of selected button | |
SelectedButtonValues | INFOTABLE | <> | Outputs an infotable of the selected values. This is helpful when MultipleSelect to get the selected buttons easier. The infotable will use GenericStringList as datashape. |
The following properties are repeated for each button in NumberOfButtons
Properties | Type | Binding | Default | Description |
Button1Name | STRING[localized] | < | Button1 | Label displayed on the button |
Button1Value | STRING | < | Value used to identify the button | |
Button1IconURI | STRING | < | URI used to generate the button's icon | |
Button1Visible | BOOLEAN | < | TRUE | Toggles the visibility of the button |
Button1Disabled | BOOLEAN | < | FALSE | Shows the button as disabled |
Property | Type | Binding | Description |
SelectDefaultButton | SERVICE | < | A bindable service to reselect the default button |
Property | Type | Binding | Description |
SelectedButtonChanged | EVENT | > | Triggers an event when the selected button changed |