Template | LIST | < | Template 1 | The widget template to use for this widget. |
CustomClass | STRING | <> | | Enables you to define an HTML class to the top div of the widget. Multiple classes can be separated by a space. |
Label | STRING(localized) | < | | Text to be used for the label of the picker. |
SecondaryLabel | STRING(localized) | < | | Text that is displayed after label usually to mark a mandatory field. |
ShowSecondaryLabel | BOOLEAN | < | TRUE | Flag property which decides whether or not to show the Secondary Label. |
Width | INTEGER | | 200 | Width of the widget. |
Height | INTEGER | | 40 | Height of the widget. |
Placeholder | STRING(localized) | < | | Text to be used for the placeholder of the picker. |
TabSequence | INTEGER | | 0 | Specifies the tab order of an element (when the "tab" button is used for navigating). |
ShowHelpIcon | BOOLEAN | < | FALSE | Will enable a customizable icon on the right of the label, the icon will show the tooltip on hover for more documentation |
HelpIcon | STRING | < | | Icon to be displayed on the right of the label when ShowHelpIcon is enabled. |
Disabled | BOOLEAN | < | FALSE | Disables the picker so it can't be clicked. |
Invalid | BOOLEAN | <> | FALSE | Used to force widget into invalid state or to transmit state. |
Tooltip | STRING(localized) | < | | Optional tooltip used to display additional information. See Tooltip |
TooltipAnchor | STRING | | Widget | If the tooltip should appear next to the Widget, or next to the cursor. |
TooltipFormat | STRING(localized) | < | | see Format Complex |
TooltipType | LIST | < | Text | The widget tooltip type |
TooltipMashup | MASHUPNAME | < | | Mashup to be used as a tooltip when TooltipType is set as Mashup |
TooltipWidth | NUMBER | | | Width of the tooltip. It won't be bigger than the Max-width set in the GlobalStyles for the Tooltip |
TooltipHeight | NUMBER | | | Height of the tooltip. Can only be set if TooltipType is set as HTML , Markdown or Mashup |
IconURI | STRING | < | material-outlined:date_range | URI describing the icon. Either a HTTP link or a reference to an icon in an icon font can be used. |
DateTimeFormat | STRING(localized) | < | YYYY/MM/DD | Format date using Format Complex. SimpleDateFormat rules are accepted, along with prefixes and suffixes. |
DateRange | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | Allows the user to select a date range. |
CloseOnSelect | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | By default confirmation of selection should be by clicking outside the popover. If this is true, it will close after the user has selected a date or a date range. |
ShowTime | BOOLEAN | < | FALSE | Allows the user to also select time in popover. |
TimePickerOnly | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | The user will only be prompted in the popover with a time selector. |
MinuteStep1 | STRING | | 5 | A list of how many steps for minutes select. |
DateTime | DATETIME | <> | | Date and Time of the picker. |
StartDateTime | DATETIME | <> | | Start Date and Time of the picker when picker is range. |
EndDateTime | DATETIME | <> | | End Date and Time of the picker when picker is range. |
MinDate | DATETIME | <> | | Restrict the user to select only a date after. |
MaxDate | DATETIME | <> | | Restrict the user to select only a date before. |
FirstDay | STRING | | 0 | Whether the calendar should have weeks starting Monday(0 ) or Sunday(1 ). |
DateRangeSeparator | STRING | | - | Separator between multiple dates. |
View | STRING | < | days | The select picker will show first to select Days, Months or Years. If value comes from a binding they should come as days , months or years . |
MinView | STRING | < | days | The picker will allow selection of only Day, Month or Year. If value comes from a binding they should come as days , months or years . |
ShowClearButton | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | Add a Clear button to the datepicker that will remove the selected dates when clicked. |
AllowClear | BOOLEAN | | TRUE | Allow datepicker to be cleared. |
AllowManualInput | BOOLEAN | | TRUE | Make the input editable, on blur/enter. |