CustomClass | STRING | <> | | Enables you to define an html class to the top div of the widget. Multiple classes can be entered, separated by space. |
Template | LIST | < | Template1 | The widget template to use for this widget. |
Label | STRING(localized) | < | | The text that is displayed above the input/textarea. |
SecondaryLabel | STRING(localized) | < | | Text that is displayed after label usually to mark a mandatory field. |
ShowSecondaryLabel | BOOLEAN | < | TRUE | Flag property which decides whether or not to show the Secondary Label |
ShowHelpIcon | BOOLEAN | < | FALSE | Will enable a customizable icon on the right of the label, the icon will show the tooltip on hover for more documentation |
HelpIcon | STRING | < | | Icon to be displayed on the right of the label when ShowHelpIcon is enabled. |
Tooltip | STRING(localized) | < | | Optional tooltip used to display additional information. See Tooltip |
TooltipAnchor | STRING | | Widget | If the tooltip should appear next to the Widget, or next to the cursor. |
TooltipType | LIST | < | Text | The widget tooltip type |
TooltipMashup | MASHUPNAME | < | | Mashup to be used as a tooltip when TooltipType is set as Mashup |
TooltipWidth | NUMBER | | | Width of the tooltip. It won't be bigger than the Max-width set in the GlobalStyles for the Tooltip |
TooltipHeight | NUMBER | | | Height of the tooltip. Can only be set if TooltipType is set as HTML , Markdown or Mashup |
data | INFOTABLE | < | | Data that is bound to the dropdown widget |
searchData | INFOTABLE | < | | Allows usage of the widget as an autocomplete that does remote searches. This should be bound to the service that returns the search results. Using the same service for both the data and searchData is not supported. If the same service is used, is has to be added twice. |
searchText | STRING | > | No Results | Search string that is sent to the service that returns the search data. This is only updated if the searchData has a binding. |
autoSelectFirstRow | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | Automatically select the first row of the dropdown when it is loaded in the mashup |
selectedText | STRING | <> | | Get or set the value of the selected item |
selectedItems | INFOTABLE | <> | | Get or set the selected items via an infotable |
tabSequence | INTEGER | | 0 | Specifies the tab order of an element (when the "tab" button is used for navigating) |
displayFieldFormat | STRING(localized) | < | | Format: Optional instructions on how to format the textual data. Number formatting (eg. 0.00), Date formatting and expressions (eg. [[0.0]] km) |
displayField | FIELDNAME | | | The infotable field which represents the data value |
valueField | FIELDNAME | | | Field to use for SelectedText |
sectionField | FIELDNAME | | | Split the options into sections. This marks the field in the infotable to be used as the section |
valueHtmlField | FIELDNAME | | | Optional: The column containing the HTML code that is used to display the row. The HTML is sanitized before use. |
disabledField | FIELDNAME | | | Optional: The column containing a boolean indicating that the row is disabled and cannot be selected |
cssClassesField | FIELDNAME | | | Optional: The column containing the name of the classes that are applied to this row |
placeholder | STRING(localized) | < | Select Value | Text to display if there is no selection |
multiselect | BOOLEAN | < | FALSE | Allow multiple items to be selected, also changing the way the select dropdown looks, splitting the selected items in chips |
maxValuesShown | NUMBER | < | 200 | Change from chip multiselect to only show the number of selected items |
maxValuesMessage | STRING(localized) | < | FALSE | Message displayed when more values than the maxValuesShown property are selected. Customize your message with the "{number}" token. |
limitMultipleSelect | INTEGER | < | 0 | When using multi select you can set a limit on the amount of selections you can have |
limitMultipleSelectMin | INTEGER | < | 0 | When using multi select you can set the minimum number of items you can have |
selectByGroup | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | Used to enable the selection of all options under a specific group by clicking that option group's label. |
allowDeselect | BOOLEAN | < | FALSE | This will allow you to deselect a value on a single select dropdown. Make sure to set the placeholder property |
showSearch | BOOLEAN | | TRUE | Will display a search field in the dropdown |
searchTextNoResults | STRING(localized) | | No Results | Text to be displayed if there are no results based on the search |
searchingText | STRING(localized) | | Searching... | Text to be displayed while loading new autocomplete results using an external service |
searchPlaceholder | STRING(localized) | | Search | String value that will set the value of the input search placeholder text. |
searchHighlight | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | Boolean value that will highlight search results if set to TRUE . |
closeOnSelect | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | If a row in the dropdown is selected, the dropdown will close |
allowAddCustom | BOOLEAN | | FALSE | Allow to dynamically add options to the select. The list of selected options can be obtained via the selectedText or selectedItems properties |
disabled | BOOLEAN | < | FALSE | Disables or enables the dropdown so it can't be clicked |
ShowDataLoading | BOOLEAN | | TRUE | Shows a spinner icon when data is being loaded |
anyRowsSelected | BOOLEAN | > | FALSE | Are there any rows selected in the list |
noRowsSelected | BOOLEAN | > | FALSE | Property that give a true/false if a row is selected or not |