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Pie Chart Widget

A Pie chart widget based on the g2plot library. Can be changed to a Donut Chart from the Configurator.


Allows displaying of category data with Value. The value in LabelField must be a unique string or number. The values can be used to formatted in the Configurator.

DataINFOTABLE<Infotable with a column for Label and a column for Value to be displayed on the chart.
LabelFieldFIELDNAME<Name of the column in the Data infotable specifying the label data.
ValueFieldFIELDNAME<Name of the column in the Data infotable specifying the value data.
DonutInnerLabelSTRING(localized)<Name of the inside label of a donut pie chart.
SelectionMode1STRINGnoneAllows specifying is selection is enabled within the chart.
DoubleClickEVENT>Triggered when the widget is double clicked .


  1. SelectionMode can have the following values: None, Single, Multiple